The Pier Shareware 9
The Pier Shareware #9 (Pier Exchange).ISO
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471 lines
01NAV96.ZIP Norton AntiVirus 3.0 Update READ.ME - Jan.
1996 Anti-Virus definition Updates for
January 1996 for Norton Anti-Virus version
3.0 D/L'd from Symantec BBS 12/26/95
110A115A.ZIP Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix
for Windows. This patch file upgrades
v1.10a and ONLY v1.10a (registered) of Telix
for Windows to version 1.15a, released 22
Dec 95 This patch is free and is direct from
the author. It will not work on
unregistered copies. Adds many Internet
5CPOKER.ZIP 5 Card Stud Poker a exciting game for
everyone to learn and WIN. It offers
something for everyone from beginners to
High Rollers. This game permits two handed
or a two player game and lets you save your
players money, Easy and simple to use
Windows , Sound card supported
701PATCH.ZIP Delrina winfax 7.0 update to 7.01.
99ETO99F.ZIP Maintenance update to ABOOK v.99x. This is
simply the.EXE and.HLP updates.
A46011U.ZIP Alpha 4 patch updates versions 6.0.0 and
6.0.0a ONLY to v6.0.11.
ADC510.ZIP AddComm 5.00 07/10/95 ADDCOMM is a utility
that allows you to define the address of
your COM ports in the DOS lower memory
segment. This is useful for machines whose
BIOS doesn't support COM3 and COM4 ports by
default. Shareware registration forms and
manual included. From HyperWare
ADF_120.ZIP ADF v1.20, serial port FOSSIL driver ADF is
a FOSSIL driver for high speed modem users.
Supports 16550 UART, FOSSIL revision level
5, multitasking environments with emulated
UARTs, any baud up to 115200 bps, any port
address, any IRQ, any receiver FIFO trigger
AF13DK.ZIP Armoured Fist patch (disk-version) 1A14
AGSI113E.ZIP agSI 1.1.3 English version of the SystemInfo
tool agSI with dozens of items of info about
hardware/system, operating system, memory,
software, and drives running in DOS text
mode) with many additional functions, such
as changing system settings and disk
formatting Extensive, detailed online help
New: overview screen, better video card
detection, ATAPI drives Non-crippled
Shareware (US$23 agSI 1.1.3
AMI_SET.ZIP The AMI BIOS Survival Guide v3.1 - The guide
provides a description of each BIOS function
at least those we are aware of) and tips for
their settings. Hopefully it will help
newbies decipher BIOS settings and more
advanced users "optimize" their systems
APLUS404.ZIP ANSIPLUS 4.04: Great console driver for
SVGA/VGA/EGA under MS-DOS, Windows 95
Windows 3.x, OS/2 or DESQview, packed
w/features: vivid colors, full color control
screen saver, scroll-back, copy/paste,
scroll freeze, smooth scrolling, ANSI
support larger key buffer, typematic
speedup, key stacking, international
support, loads to UMBs, HMA or EMS, easy to
use utilities and config menu, free BBS
updates, and much more Improved! Replaces
Vers 2.00-4.03
ASKEY3.ZIP ASKEY is a powerful yet easy to use keyboard
recorder\replayer By Hananya Yinnone Records
key-strokes (Macros) into a file Replays
Macro by a hotkey whenever you need You can
Record key-words, personal data etc Add new
functions to your applications Auto-Login to
your BBS. Handle your E-mail Pop up file
manger. Loadable at High memory TSR.
Occupies only 15K. Configurable. Pause
Loop macros. 5 replay speeds. On-line help
AWSETUP.ZIP Run the AWARD BIOS Setup Program from the
DOS Prompt.
BATMK109.ZIP Batch Creator 1.9 Simple to use program
which creates batch programs to your
specifications. It also converts batch
files to .COM files with auto-encryption. A
MUST for novice and advanced dos users
BERASFIX.ZIP Battle of the Eras Patch. This patch fixes
a few annoying features of Battle of the
Eras It fixes the annoying delays in the
menu. Now you have to hit a key to clear a
message instead of waiting. The scrolling
text in the story is more legible now. The
'quick exits in the fighter pick have been
removed, and a few errors in the
documentation are fixed
BERSFIX2.ZIP Battle of the Eras Patch II. This patch
covers all that is below: Change in version
number. Added Sho-jin's background. Fixed
another menu bug. It fixes the annoying
delays in the menu. Now you have to hit a
key to clear a message instead of waiting.
The scrolling text in the story is more
legible now. The 'quick exits' in the
fighter pick have been removed, and a few
errors in the documentation are fixed
BESTPR42.ZIP Garbo archive site maintainer prof. Timo
Salmi's subjective selection of 42 most
useful MS-DOS PD and shareware utility
BOFWT.ZIP Walkthru for Breath of Fire game for SNES
BRCH3PAT.ZIP V1.01 10/25/95 update of Breach 3, 1995 game
by Impressions, fixes bugs and adds features
see file readme.txt.
CAP101.ZIP Capitalism 1.01 patch
CAPTL102.ZIP Capitalism 1995 pc cd-rom game V1.02 patch
fixes bugs and adds a few features. See
CC107DOS.ZIP Controlled Copy for DOS v1.07 - Advanced DOS
file copier. free space checking, lightning
fast file copy speed, progress indicators
flexible source masks and filters, online
help, full 4dos compatibility & more
CD50DRM.ZIP Quicken deluxe 5.0.d update instructions.
CEDIT103.ZIP CONFIG EDIT v1.02 - Tired of changing your
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files? Now you
can add them to a library and call them up
anytime you need them. Once you call it up
you hit enter and it reboots with those
specific files. FREEWARE! By John T.
CHM510.ZIP CHIMES 5.00 07/10/95 Chimes is a TSR that
monitors your system clock and will chime
with one of a few tones during each quarter
hour and then a longer tone at each hour.
Shareware registration forms and manual
included. From HyperWare
CONQKIN1.ZIP Conquered Kingdoms patch (march 3rd, 95
DBP033.ZIP DocsBoot 0.33 Multiple Boot Utility affords
greater control than Boot Manager with
multiple bootable partitions
DBP033A.ZIP DocsBoot+ v0.33 , operates primarily as a
boot manager for systems with multiple
operating systems in multiple partitions
DocsBoot+ does not require repartitioning
and takes little space on floppies or no
normally usable space on hard discs
DEADMAN_.ZIP Memory-resident reboot timer. See Extra
INDISPENSIBLE utility if you run command
line utilities in an unattended mode.
Easily one of the most useful programs I
have ever come across when building 24hr,
high-uptime, no-humans-around systems
Example You have a machine that runs in a
remote area that needs to be on-line all the
time. (e.g., MS-Mail gateway, any dos/text
mode data collector, alpha page server,
network monitors ) DEADMAN, a TSR, is loaded
with the /Sx option. If the station does
not update video memory in x minutes, then
the machine gets rebooted after a 60 second
warning Now, if the machine takes a network
hit, DEADMAN will recycle the machine when
the timer
DFB18.ZIP Data Flow Benchmark v1.8 Determines the cpu
type, size and properties of cache, main
memory and video adapter. Tests memory
bandwitdh and data throughput between these
components. OS/2 2+ required.
DOS70FIX.ZIP IBM PCDOS 7.0 fixes, from IBM PC Co. BBS
DOSFT171.ZIP DOSFONT v1.70 - A.R.I. Software DosFont is
a mouse interface & Command-Line utility to
change that ugly font in DOS Uses NO memory
or TSR! Fonts work in all DOS programmes
until YOU change them No config files or
messy setups Fully Automated and ready to run
DOSTCB.ZIP Simple DOS calculator Braille display
version adds, subtracts, multiplies and
divides that's it. Has bios writes for
screen readers
DRUN200.ZIP Directory Runner(tm) 2.00 "CD" replacement
Don't go on using the ancient CD or CHDIR
commands. This will make life easier This
is a compact yet very intuitive utility that
offers many features including a list of
executables when you change directory, and
the five top directories accessable by
hotkey If you ever use the DOS prompt, try
this Previously known as "Changer
DWAST103.ZIP DiskWaste v1.03 - DOS Utility: Display disk
space wasted by small files. Very basic,
yet informative. Freeware (c) 1996 [9 Feb]
by DDA - Reign Ware. Imprv'd scan routine.
w/Pas src
FASTTY10.ZIP Sets keyboard typematic rate to the maximum
FUPAT201.ZIP Flight Unlimited Beta Patch v2.0.1
FXVMM210.ZIP FXVMM API version 2.10, by
flux@stack.urc.tue.nl Yesh ! - it's the
first FREEWARE Virtual Memory Manager
Providing you with a transparent memory
allocation sceme wich will provide all the
memory you could only dream about It'll use
XMS, EMS, DOS or Virtual Memory, it can
handle buffers of up to 128Meg ! - Try it -
NOW The complete assembly and c-source are
included, required A 386 CPU or higher
Borland C/C++ 3.1 or higher TASM 3.1 or
GETK002.ZIP GETK.EXE 0.02 is a symbolic implementation
of the DOS CHOICE command with names for all
keys. Writes the key name to the standard
output or sets it into an environment
HAKAUT10.ZIP Hyper ver. 1.0 by Severino Bozzer User
interface for the Hyperdk program, necessary
for the management of the cache memory
HyperDisk Hyper is written with the batch
language of the 4Dos It's very fast, it
doesn't use memory and you only must have
the 4Dos for use it
JNS_GOLF.ZIP Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf patch -> 1.51
KOOLBMP.ZIP STOP! Do you run OS/2 then grab this file
See How you can make that DeskTOP look GREAT
Make all those WIN95 Users Jealous <grin
Includes README.DOC telling where to get
More like this FREE! This a 640 x 480 x 256
BMP full screen shot of Yoda the little
Jeddi Master from Staw Wars Also includes a
nice 640x480x256 of what a BLACK HOLE in
Space might look like
L386CD.ZIP Links 386 patch -> 2.01 (cd-version
LDAY100.ZIP LastDay v1.00 - DOS utility: is today last
weekday of month? W/ Pascal source.
Freeware Copyright (c) 1995 [22 Dec], DDA/
Reign Ware.
LINK_162.ZIP Links patch -> 1.62
LOD501P.ZIP LOD Ver 5.00 - DPMI exes [Optional By Scott
M. Baker DPMI stands for Dos Protected Mode
Interface. These executables are designed
for DOS use under protected mode and thus
utilize memory a bit more efficiently than
the standard real mode executables
LOGR_140.ZIP Logfile Renamer *FreeWare* v1.40 Logfile
Renamer it the program for you who want to
keep track of your logfiles, or even other
files cause the program is so flexible made
so you can use is on any type file but not
with long filenames The program will rename
your *file to the current date, month, year
and an userdefinable extension X-ample:
MALAD327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Gateway Aladdin
and Intel Zappa ZE motherboards
MASUS327.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.27 Asus PCI P54TP4 -
TP4XE with SMC Super I/O
MASUW327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Asus Winbond
Super I/O PCI P54TP4 - TP4XE
MDT22.ZIP Modify Date & Time Using Cursor Keys Saves
last date accessed and restores system date
if newer. For all computers with unset,
non-functional or unreliable clock
calendars. Works with computers without
clock calendars such as original pc's and
xt's or equivalent. Simultaneous updates of
MELIT327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Elite ECS TS54P
AIO motherboard
MESSAGE_.ZIP MESSAGE.EXE will allow you to display a
message on your screen when DOS boots up.
Just edit the file MESSAGE.TXT and write any
message (up to 70 characters set the border
color (0-15), and the message color (0-15).
Add this to your AUTOEXEC.BAT and presto,
you've got a custom message at startup time
MGBYT327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Gigabyte
GA586ATE motherboard
MJBON327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 J.Bond PCI500C-E
MMCRN327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Micronics M54Hi
MONLTH08.ZIP The Monolith Utilities Version 8 A
collection of some DOS based utilities
created by the SYSOP of The Monolith BBS
(513) 644-1219 (24 Hrs Turn your modem
on/off hook at dos prompt, change to a 50
row screen instantly, or display fantastic
full colored ascii boxes and text in batch
files. These commands and several others
are designed to help you control your system
without other special programs. And the
easiest to use holiday screen program ever
created. 11/11/95
MR1TY320.ZIP MR BIOS v3.20 for TYAN S1461 thru S1466,
Excellent flash upgrade fixes/enhances setup
MR2TY320.ZIP MR BIOS v3.20 for Tyan S1468, Excellent
flash upgrade fixes/enhances setup
MRACE322.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.22, Acer AP5C
MRASUS32.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22, ASUS SMC super I/O
MRASUU32.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 Asus with UMC Super I/O
MRASUW32.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 ASUS Winbond Super I/O
MRATE320.ZIP MR BIOS v3.20 for ATEN Digis-p54cip,
Excellent flash bios upgrade, fixes/enhances
MREDO322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 EDOM MP058 revB
MREDO327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Edom MP058 RevB
MREND322.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.22, Intel Endeavor
MREND327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Intel Endeavor EV
MRJBO322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 J.Bond PCI500C-E
MRJET322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 Jet Board J-656B
MRJET327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Jet Board J-656B
MRSMC322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 Super Micro P55CWA
MRSUP322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 Super Micro P55CM
MRSUP327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 SuperMicro
P55CWA motherboard
MRTEC322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 MB-8500TEC Ver 2
MRTEC327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 MB-8500TEC v2
MRTMC322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 TMC PCI54IT
MRTMC327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 TMC PCI54IT
MRTYA322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 TYAN S1461 thru S1466
MRTYB322.ZIP MR BIOS upgrade v3.22 TYAN S1468
MRZAP322.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.22, Intel Zappa
MRZAP327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Intel Zappa
MSMCW327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 SuperMicro P55CM
MTYA1327.ZIP MR BIOS flash upgrade v3.27 Tyan S1461 to 66
MTYA3327.ZIP Flash upgrade v3.27 Tyan S1468 motherboard
NFSCHT.ZIP Need for Speed patch v1.0.
NN95FAQ.ZIP Norton navigator frequently-asked questions.
NOCRLF10.ZIP NOCRLF v1.00 This little utility will fix
binary files which have been corrupted by
being accidentally transfered in ASCII mode
ASM src is included
OMF2_21.ZIP -== OMF 2097: v2.0 to 2.1 Upgrade ==- This
patch updates Epic's One Must Fall version
2.0 (required) to version 2.1. Version 2.1
fixes several bugs in v2.0, and is the final
release of OMF 2097.
OMFUP21.ZIP -== OMF 2097: Version 2.1 Upgrade ==- This
patch upgrades any version of Epic's One
Must Fall 2097 to version 2.1. OMF v2.1
features all of the same steel-bending
action in older versions of OMF, and
includes Network/Modem/Serial play. This
patch works with the registered and
shareware versions of OMF.
PASSGN40.ZIP Random Password Generator v4.0 - Creates
random passwords using numbers, letters and
special characters. As upper and lowercase
letters are treated as seperate letters a
total of 94 characters are available to
choose from. Will not select the same
password twice. Creates up to 32,000
passwords at a time. Shareware (US $15 Tim
Hirtle, 102705.2261@compuserve.com
program is loaded as a device driver in
CONFIG.SYS, and requires the user to enter
the "proper" password to continue the boot
process. Failure to enter the correct
password after "n tries results in a cold
reboot. Also if the user input remains idle
for "n seconds, the system will be rebooted
Keypresses refresh the timeout counter A
success results in the continuation of
CONFIG.SYS. It is intended that this
program be used with the multiple config
capabilities of MSDOS 6.xx, or DataLight
ROM-DOS 6.22. Passwords are not case
sensitive in this program Freeware by Joe
Gruessing gruess@gruess.ip.portal.com
PED4DS14.ZIP PED4DOS programmable editor V1.40 Dec 95
PED4DOS is a programmable editor for batch
processing with extended facilities for
searching and replacing Survey of the
facilities search (and replace) multiple
complex search patterns within a single pass
use of variables and functions for the
conversion of matching strings
PPLT134U.ZIP Pro Patches Lite v1.33 -> V1.34
PTM229R.ZIP DOS Phantom 2.9r Task
Automator/Scheduler/Key Recorder - Record
keyboard tasks for later playback. Edit
PUADOS11.ZIP PUADOS is a set of batch files to enhance
the life of any computer user. Power Users
Aliases for DOS, as the name implies, are
small utilities which do nothing but save
time. Best of all, all utilities here are
public domain, which means that you are free
to use and modify all of them as you wish
4D, for example, checks if 4DOS is loaded
ANSIDET detects if an ANSI driver is
installed. Email baechler@cts.com. PD
PUADOS12.ZIP PUADOS is a set of batch files to enhance
the life of any computer user. Power Users
Aliases for DOS, as the name implies, are
small utilities which do nothing but save
time. Best of all, all utilities here are
public domain, which means that you are free
to use and modify all of them as you wish
4D, for example, checks if 4DOS is loaded
ANSIDET detects if an ANSI driver is
installed. Email baechler@cts.com. PD
QD5CDPAT.ZIP Quicken Deluxe 5.0 CD Patch, direct from
Maintenance release to upgrade your software
to v5.0d. Fixes a few nasty bugs.
QW50E.EXE Latest patch for Quicken for Windows 5 -
direct from Compuserve
SCNR1195.ZIP Winfax 7.0 scanner update (from delrina).
SEOS2_18.ZIP OS/2 1.3 and 2.0 driver for Canon BJ-Series
SP1432.ZIP Compaq ROMPaq Firmware Upgrade for the
DeskPro XL ver.10/05/95 This Firmware will
upgrade a Compaq DeskPro XL to a October 5,
1995 ROM
SSCR10.ZIP SScr v1.0 -- non-memory resident text screen
grabber. Saves the current text screen to a
file from the command line. For OS/2 and
SYSCAN2U.ZIP System scan processor,memory, ports shareware
TB10B07.ZIP TriBBS 10.0 - Beta 7 - Read and fully
understand the conversion instructions.
Also see the README. file about reporting
bugs B6: Fixes some bugs in BBS.EXE and now
TriMan hides passwords in the password
fields. You must run NEWLANGS.EXE to fix
and error in LANGUAGE.001
THUNDR11.ZIP V1.1 1/96 update for Thunderscape, 1995 CRPG
by SSI fixes bugs, ect
TORINPAT.ZIP patch for Torin's Passage from Sierra fix
save/restore game ERROR 47
TOSHSPEC.ZIP Specifications for Toshiba laptops including
Tecra 700CS/700CT & Satellite Pro 410 series
From Toshiba's BBS: Latest file = 01/19/96
TPG2UP1.ZIP The Perfect General II patch -> 1.01
TSCV200.ZIP TSC version 2.0 - February 1996 TSC is a
general utility program which includes: The
Civil War, (a game) Screen Savers, and other
DOS utilities This program is written under
the shareware concept. It must be
registered after 30 days of use. See
TSC.REG for details T S C, Copyright (c)
1996, Steven Schuster
TWP100.ZIP Travelling Workplace 1.00 Backs up And
Restores Desktops For Multilpe Users or
VCPATCH1.ZIP Patch upgrade #1 for Visual C++ v4
VIEW99G.ZIP VIEW 9.9g - the file viewer for DOS Read,
convert and print Wordperfect, Word Word for
Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write Notepad,
ASCII, ANSI and UNIX files. Full text
search functions. Save in ASCII or UNIX
format. Several print functions. Use in
DOS or e-mail shell. NOT CRIPPLED.
W2D22_24.ZIP Patch to create v 2.2.4 of Warlords II
deluxe from Warlords v 2.2.2
WG021P1.ZIP Patch file to upgrade WtrGate, WtrConf &
WtrUtil from v0.21 to Patch Level 1,
WG021P2.ZIP Patch File to upgrade WtrGate, WtrConf &
WtrUtil from v0.21.p1 (Patch Level 1) to
Patch Level 2, v0.21.p2.
WGD021P2.ZIP Patch File to upgrade the DPMI version of
WtrGate; WTRGATED.EXE & the WaterGate Help
File from orig. V0.21 to Patch Level 2.